Orienteering – Come and try it!

Orienteering – Come and try it!

The Fraser Coast Orienteering Group (FROG) club will conduct a foot Orienteering event at the Hervey Bay Botanic Gardens in Elizabeth St on Sunday, the 11th of August, commencing at 10am. All are welcome to attend.


Orienteering is a sport for all ages, from pre-school aged children to grandparents, at all levels of fitness. It involves navigating a preset course using a map and compass. Participation can be competitive by completing the course in the quickest time, or simply walk the course and enjoy the natural environment. A fee of $5 per individual or a maximum of $10 for a family of two or more covers insurance, a map of the gardens, instruction and the loan of a compass. The course is open for two hours (10-12midday) and you can start at any time during this period. Comfortable clothing and walking or running shoes is all that is required.  Once established, future FROG club events will be held on a regular basis at various locations on the Fraser Coast.

Further information can be obtained from the FROG club convenor, Mr. Adrian Pitman, on 0481 115 464.

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