Chocolate Starfish celebrate 30 years -Written by Kim Parnell- Thirty years ago, Chocolate Starfish released their self-titled first full-length studio...
World-renowned magician and illusionist, Apollo Jackson brings Beyond Illusion to Maryborough Direct from Miami Florida, in his first blockbuster tour back on home soil, Apollo Jackson...
Hervey Bay Unleashes the Fun with A Dog’s Day Out! A Dog’s Day Out in Hervey Bay next month promises to be a fur-tastic day...
Boondall Bus crash remembered 30 years on A memorial service will be held on the lawn of Maryborough City Hall on Thursday...
2024 Fraser Coast Ability Awards Winners Announced An Aldridge State High School student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership, a rapidly growing Hervey...
There’s something for everyone at the Bauple Nut Bash -By John Dreverman, Bauple Music Club Co-Ordinator- Get ready for another fantastic event! The Bauple...
Less than one month until Illumina – a new era of entertainment on the Fraser Coast Excitement is building within the grounds of tourism icon, Kingfisher Bay Resort, with under one...
Lines in the Sand Festival tickets available this weekend From this Sunday, Fraser Coast readers and writers can grab tickets to the region’s premier...
New President Takes the Helm at Maryborough Regional Arts Council -By Janet Revill- Maryborough's music scene has received a shot in the arm recently thanks...
Killing Heidi set to perform in Hervey Bay -By Kim Parnell- Australian rock band, Killing Heidi was formed by siblings Ella and Jesse...